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500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Are you ready to dive and be on the final stage with 500 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, India where you can gain all possible acumen and learning about Yoga? Want to enroll for our one of the best and reckoned yoga school in India that is Buddha Yogpeeth? Are you prepared to create a strong and disciplined base of your future practice and teaching? Want to learn from the best and experienced yoga gurus and teachers in our ashram who will help and support in every step in each possible way and become professional practitioners as well as teachers?

If yes, you are for sure at the right platform and our ashram has the right blend of positivity, spirit and environment needed to learn and practice the same. Candidates and students who seek for enrolment in our offered 500 hours yoga teacher training course, for the information, we provide back to back 200 hours YTTC and 300 hours YTTC course sessions.

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India with RYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certification at yoga school Buddha Yogpeeth

It could be challenging though on one end but at the end, it would be rewarding and worth every minute a candidate spend in completing the training course. It is mandatory to complete both the course session in order to be a certified and professional yoga teacher, meeting educational needs. What an individual learns in the 200 hours course will take him or her, further in terms of teaching skills and practice and completion of both of them from the same place definitely assures consistency, better understanding and practice, comfort level and depth needed to understand Yoga.

There is no mandate to be a professional to enroll for our 500 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, India course. Irrespective of whether you just start learning and practicing Yoga or done it many times earlier, the 500 hours alliance course is suitable for everyone. Anyone could go for the same and we can assure that once the course is completed, you will be an expert.

Course Overview of 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Course Name 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Level Beginner to Intermediate
Yoga Style Multi-style Yoga
Duration 46 days
Module Residential with Meals
Language of Instruction English
Certification RYT 500 - Yoga Alliance USA & India
Course Fee Shared room - $750
Private room - $900
Shared Room - 50000 INR
Private Room - 60000 INR

Schedule & Fee: 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India


    DATES Shared/Private Indian Price
    4 Jul-26 Aug 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Aug-26 Sep 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Sep-26 Oct 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Oct-26 Nov 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Nov-26 Dec 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Dec-26 Jan 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Jan-26 Feb 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Feb-26 Mar 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Mar-26 Apr 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 Apr-26 May 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR
    4 May-26 Jun 750 / 900 USD 50000 / 60000 INR

Course Fee Details of 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

  • You can stay with us for 46 days.
  • 3 x Daily Yogic meal, detox juices, and teas
  • Every Weekend excursions (one of the old & traditional KunjaPuri Temple in the Himalayas, famous vasist cave in Rishikesh, Aarti at parmarth Niketan, cooking class)
  • yoga material ( Yoga mat, books, notebook, pen, Pencil & body cleansing kit, etc)
  • Morning Himalayas tour and Rishikesh market or local tour in the city.
  • 2 x 60-minute ayurvedic massage or Swedish massage.

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Refund Policy

If you have paid the advance course fees and you are not able to come on your booking date’ please inform us so that we can recommend you the next upcoming date for the course but the fees will be not refunded.

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus

Ashtanga Yoga Postures

First Month

  • Sun salutation A
  • Sun salutation B
  • Standing sequence postures
  • Seated sequence postures
  • Finishing sequence postures
  • Mysore style/ use of yoga props/ Teaching practice
  • On 1stweek- Introduction to Ashtanga yoga followed by Sun salutation A & B.
  • On 2ndweek– Standing sequence postures & use of yoga props.
  • On 3rdweek– Seated sequence postures & Finishing sequence postures.
  • On 4thweek– Mysore style & Teaching practice.

Second Month

    Mastering Ashtanga Primary Series & intermediate series postures

  • The Complete traditional way of practice & teaching
  • Drishti
  • Bandhas
  • Breath
  • Ashtanga is taught with vinyasa
  • On 1stweek– Introduction to Traditional Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa & sun salutation A & B.
  • On 2ndweek– Seated sequence postures & Finishing Sequence postures.
  • On 3rdweek– Intermediate series postures/ Mysore Style /Teaching methods.
  • On 4thweek– Teaching by students / Questions & Answers / Feedback by teacher on improvements.
Hatha Yoga/ Vinyasa Flow (Asanas) 1stto 3rdweek

First Month

  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing & Balancing Postures
  • Seated Postures
  • Prone Postures
  • Supine Postures
  • Back-bend postures
  • Inversions

Second Month


  • Introduction of Hatha & Vinyasa flow
  • Pawanmuktasana series A
  • Surya namaskar (Hatha)
  • Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
  • Trikonasana
  • Parsvokonasana
  • Privarta Trikonasana
  • Privarta Parsvokanasana
  • Virbhadrasana A,B,C
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Chaturangadandasana
  • Mathchendrasana A,B,C
  • Adra Ustrasana
  • Salabhasana
  • Setabandasana
  • Gatyatmak Paschimottasana
  • Pada prasar Paschimottasana
  • Saithalyasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Core exercises


  • Surya namaskar A,B (ashtanga)
  • Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
  • Standing
  • Veerbhadrasana A,B,C
  • Trikonasana
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Parsvokonasana
  • Privirta Trikonasana
  • Privirta Parsvokonasana
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Vriksasana
  • Garudasana
  • Eka pada uttanasana
  • Natavarasana
  • Tandavasana
  • Eka padasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Pada angushtasana
  • Baka dhyanasana
  • Eka pada baka dhyanasana


  • Eka hasta bhujasana
  • Santolanasana
  • Vashisthasana
  • Poorna matsyendrasana
  • Marichyasana C, D
  • Eka pada rajakaputasana
  • Raja kaputasana
  • Poorna ustrasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Poorna shalabhbasana
  • Poorna chakrasana
  • Parighasana
  • Koormasana
  • Upavistakonasana
  • Urdvamukha paschimottasana
  • Hanumanasana
  • Bhoonamansana
  • Laguvajarasana
  • Badhakonasana
  • Vishwamitrasana
  • Kashyapasana

Inverted asanas-

  • Bhumi padamastakasana
  • Vipreetakarani Asana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Padma Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Ardha padma halasana
  • Sirshasana
  • Salamba sirshasana
  • Niralambasana
  • Urdhwa padmasana
  • Leg stretching


  • Teaching
  • Doubts
  • Questions / Answer
    Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)

    Yoga philosophy is the foundation of your yoga practice and it is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.

    • What is Yoga & It’s history ?
    • Lifestyle of a yoga practitioner.
    • What are Yoga sutras/ 8 limbs Of Yoga ?
    • Introduction of srimad bhagavad gita.

    Understanding all 4 paths of yoga

    • Karma Yoga
    • Bhakti Yoga
    • Gyan Yoga
    • Dhayan Yoga
    • What is hatha yoga ?
    • What are trigunas ?
    • What is ego ?
    • Freedom from unhappiness.
    • Realizing pure consciousness.
    • Assignments & activities.
    • Presentation on any topic to the teacher.
    Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

      First Month

    • Introduction of Pranayama
    • Benefits of pranayama
    • General guidelines
    • Clavicular Breathing
    • Thoracic and Diaphragmatic Breathing
    • Yogic Breathing
    • Ujjayi Pranayama
    • Bhastrika Pranayama
    • Kapalbhati Pranayama
    • Nadi – Sodhana Pranayama
    • Bhramari Pranayama
    • Surya Bhedi & Chandra Bhedi pranayama
    • Sheetali & Sheetkari pranayama

    Second Month

    • Introduction of Pranayama
    • Definition and importance of Pranayama
    • Natural Breathing
    • Abdominal breathing
    • Thoracic breathing
    • Diaphragmatic breathing
    • Yogic breathing
    • Nadi shodhana
    • Ujjayi pranayama
    • Bhastika Pranayama
    • Kapalbhati Pranayama
    • Surya Bheda Pranayama
    • Chandra bhedana pranayama
    • Sheetali Pranayama
    • Sheetkari pranayama
    • Bhramari pranayam
    Yoga Anatomy & Physiology

    First Month

    First Week

    • Meaning & Importance / Introduction of anatomy & physiology
    • Directional terms of anatomy
    • Introduction of skeleton structure & functions
    • Bone anatomy & human skeleton system
    • Important names of human skeleton system
    • Angular movements of human body
    • Assignment paper submission/ activities/ exercises

    Second Week

    • Introduction of joints
    • The function of all types of joints
    • Anatomy of synovial joints (Knee)
    • Types of synovial joints & their functions
    • Types of cartilage & connective tissues
    • Pectoral girdle introduction & functions
    • Pelvic girdle introduction & function
    • Ankle & wrist joints

    Third Week

    • Introduction & Importance of anatomy
    • Human Cells, Types of Tissues, Organs
    • Digestive system in short
    • Respiratory system in short
    • Skeletal system in short
    • Muscular system in short

    Fourth Week

    • Presentation on any topic to anatomy teacher.
    • Assignments & activities.

    Second Month

    First Week

    • Brief introduction of skeleton system & function
    • Anatomy of shoulder & function with the important name of muscles
    • Anatomy of pelvic griddle with muscles names
    • Spine anatomy & function/ importance in yoga practice
    • Kundalini shakti introduction & function
    • Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
    • Prana introduction & importance in organ function
    • Panchakosha importance in function of the body

    Second Week

    • Chakra introduction & function with endocrine system
    • Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
    • Prana introduction & importance in organ function
    • Panchakosha importance in function of body

    Third Week

    • Respiratory system introduction/ function and problems
    • Circulatory system importance/ function & problems
    • Digestive system importance/ function & problems
    • Submission of assignment & revision

    Fourth Week

    • Practical exam :
      Presentation given to teacher
    • Written exam: Submission of assignment to teacher
    Mudras (Yoga Gestures)
    • Jnana mudra
    • Chin mudra
    • Bhairava mudra
    • Nasikagra
    Yoga Bandhas (Energy Lock)

      This part of the Sllaybus covers the follow topics:

    • Preparation
    • Uddiyana
    • Jalandhar
    • Mula & Maha Bandha
    Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

    Course sllaybus includes:

    • Rubber-neti
    • Jalaneti
    • kunjal kriya
    • shankh prakshalan kriya
    Sitting Postures For Pranayama Sadhana

    Course sllaybus includes:

    • Easy pose
    • Half-lotus
    • Swastikasana
    • siddha yoni asana
    Teaching Practice & Methodology

    Hatha Yoga course sllaybus covers the following topics:

    • Demonstration
    • Instructions
    • Alignment
    • Adjustment
    • Evaluation are based on

    • Written Test
    • Asana Practical Test
    • Attendance
    • Performance
    • Behaviour

    Daily Schedule

    Sample Schedule

    5:30 - 7:00 AM Traditional Ashtanga
    7:20 – 8:20 Mantra chanting
    8:30 – 9:30 Pranayama & Shatkarma
    9:30 – 10:30 Breakfast
    10:30 – 11:30 Free Time / Additional Class / Massage
    11:30 – 12:30 Iyanger Yoga flow
    12:30 – 2:00 Lunch
    2:00 – 3:00 Free Time / Additional Classes (prenatal session and sound healing)
    3:00 – 4:00 Human Anatomy
    4:00 – 5:00 Yoga Philosophy
    5:15 – 7:15 Traditional Hata Yoga with adjestment, Alignment & Teaching Methodology
    7:15 - 8:15 Dinner

    About Our 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India

    Feel absolutely free and let go all your concerns and worries away, join our love filled, calm and blessed environment in our ashram and feel the inner magic and strength in you all by yourself.

    Take out some time, learn the dominant styles at both beginners and advanced level in Hatha, Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga in our offered 500 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, India course, and simply get to understand what self discovery and realization means and how it could impact a person from different aspects.

    At Buddha Yogpeeth, we are all about letting students learn and grab as much as they can from the Yogis in terms of their living, ancient knowledge, forms of Yoga, techniques to apply and follow and more.

    Our 500 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, India is alliance certified course and is highly recommended to all levels of yoga enthusiasts, practitioners and professionals looking for both beginners and advanced level learning and practicing.

    Initially, students will be taught knowledge of Yoga, laying a foundation for them in regards of basics of yogic science, asanas, right way of practicing them, about meditation, and other techniques that could fill in the purpose of life for them.

    Afterwards, taking it to a next level, students will be given guidance in learning advanced forms and practices related to meditation or pranayama, yoga asanas/postures, and everything required to make them realize an immortal self and exploration and all ready to share the Yogic wisdom and acumen with others worldwide.

    Features Of Our 500 Hour Teacher Training Course

    Get the understanding in terms of both learning and practice of Hatha yoga postures, Ashtanga yoga, yoga philosophy, meditation, yoga anatomy, yogic lifestyle, pranayama, adjustment and alignment, teaching methodology, yoga philosophy and more in advanced levels.

    Improvise yourself from all aspects including physically, spiritually and mentally. The curriculum is devised meeting all national and international Yoga alliance standards in order to become an inspiring certified professional teacher of Yoga. Help to get better at your personal practice and lend an environment needed for personal or professional growth. Develop confidence and conscience and gain tremendous Yogic knowledge and wisdom.

    Realize the importance of Yoga centric life and inculcate in towards internal evolution and holistic overall well being. 500-hour-yoga-teacher-training by the river The course fee will cover accommodation, Yoga material, Ayurvedic massage, fresh homemade three times meal and tea, weekend excursions, sightseeing trip, and more. If something is required, feel free to let us know and we assure to take care of everything considering it on topmost priority. In all, embark on the pathway of Yoga and evolve to become a professional expert with our 500 hours yoga teacher training program and get the certification. We would love to help you learn and practice and enjoy your living and worth to die for! Looking forward to hear from you!